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A medley of pastel pinks, this bouquet includes large carnations in red and caramel, red roses, pink tip spray roses, pink alstromeria and fuchsia spray carnations.
Available from now till 10 May 2020, while slots are available.
Not what you are looking for? For Mother's Day, we customise bouquets from S$150 onwards. Simply email us at with your chosen flower, the occasion and your budget - we'll take care of the rest, easy peasy.
In the event of a disruption of flowers supply due to uncertainties in the global supply chain, we will replace the affected blooms with suitable replacements of equal value. Rest assured that the bouquet will look just as great!
This lovely oversize bouquet comes with one King Protea (choose white or pink) and a...
A simple bouquet of roses - in our signature mixed (red and red-tip) or single...
Need something lush and sensual? This pink hydrangea bouquet with calla lilies and red /white...