Mother's Day Special - Roses and Carnations

Lou Flower Studio

Send 6 roses and 6 carnations with assorted side flowers and foliage to your beloved mother this Mother's Day. The theme is red and pink, just choose the colour of the roses.

Top up $35 to upsize to 10 roses and 10 carnations. Add on $10 to make it a basket.

Available for delivery from 10th to 12th May 2024, while slots are available.

Not what you are looking for? For Mother's Day, we customise bouquets from S$150 onwards. Simply email us at with your chosen flower and your budget - we'll take care of the rest, easy peasy.

In the event of a disruption of flowers supply due to uncertainties in the global supply chain, we will replace the affected blooms with suitable replacements of equal value. Rest assured that the bouquet will look just as great! 

*We regret we will not be able to cater to requests for specific delivery timings during this period. Delivery to business addresses will take place between 9am - 6pm; residential addresses from 6pm - 8pm.*

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